Welcome to the Home of xIrc
xIrc is an easy to use X11 Irc client written in C++ using the QT GUI
class library from Troll Tech. Some
of it's features are,
Individual windows for each conversation
Channel Member lists
Full DCC Chat capability
DCC file get and send capability
Subset of the standard IrcII commands, many with a simplified interfaces
Automatic Ban Mask generation for easy and reliable banning.
Notification Lists
Ignore Lists
mIrc Colors
Optional CTCP2 Protocol (Except fonts)
Full documentaion in ascii, postscript.
Get the latest information and changes from the xIrc
Project Summary page.
Get sources and/or pre-compiled binaries for Linux and Solaris from
A screenshot is available here.
For reporting bugs, comments, or suggestions, send to Robert
Summary - Download
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